Christopher Chan

Web Developer


Languages: HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery Ruby
Frameworks: NodeJS Express AngularJS Rails
CSS Libraries: Bootstrap Materialize
Database Tools: MongoDB Mongoose
Other: Git/GitHub AJAX JSON Handlebars
Media Software: Adobe Photoshop Pro Tools Media Composer Sibelius


Mic Drop
Blackbeard's Revenge

About Me

I am a full-stack web developer in San Francisco, California

Originally working in the music industry of San Diego, California, both as a performer and an audio engineer, I transitioned into web development in hopes of exploring new challenges and opportunities in a more technical field.

I bring with me the discipline, self-motivation, and creativity that I've gained through my experience of studying music, attention to detail gained through listening critically in the recording studio, and a desire to connect with others on a personal level through the integrity of my work.

As a web developer, I enjoy utilizing my coding skills and knowledge to create new tools and experiences. I have always been drawn to understanding and hearing the needs of others - and building web applications is an exciting new way for me respond to those needs.